‘USA Today’ Makes History With First Ever Presidential Endorsement


This is “an extraordinary time in history,” according to The USA Today. It calls for actions of courage. People across the nation are braving concerns over “watchers” armed with long guns at the polls. Instead, they are exercising their patriotism and doing the one thing that can defeat Donald Trump. Americans are voting.

One woman dropped out of the Trump coronavirus task force to blow the whistle on Trump and ended her career. After releasing a torrent of anti-Trump ads, The Lincoln Group members say they will never work in Republican politics again. These acts of bravery are inspiring.

The USA Today newspaper editorial board has been true to the best of journalism, no bias. Yet, four years ago, they “broke with tradition” and took sides in the 2016 presidential election. They urged readers to vote against Trump. Tuesday, the paper is “making our first presidential endorsement. We hope it’s our last.”

The paper described the Republican nominee as “unfit for office because he lacked the ‘temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs from its presidents.'”

Today the editorial board “unanimously supports the election of Joe Biden, who offers a shaken nation a harbor of calm and competence:”

‘This extraordinary moment in the history of our nation requires an extraordinary response. With his plans, his personnel picks, his experience and his humanity, Joe Biden can help lead the United States out of this morass and into the future. Your vote can help make that happen.’


The newspaper wrote:

‘Will this endorsement have any effect on what you read about the presidential campaign in USA TODAY’s news reports? No. Will it cause the Editorial Board to pull its punches if Biden were to become president? Also no.’

After these four years of chaos, the board wrote:

‘We may never endorse a presidential nominee again. In fact, we hope we’ll never have to.’

Why would people vote for Trump in the first place? The paper has an idea:

‘Maybe you backed Trump the last time around because you hoped he’d shake things up in Washington or bring back blue-collar jobs. Maybe you liked his populist, anti-elitist message. Maybe you couldn’t stomach the idea of supporting a Democrat as polarizing as Clinton. Maybe you cast a ballot for a minor party candidate, or just stayed home.’

Now, the country is trying to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and a sinking economy. The board continued writing:

‘Beset by disease, economic suffering, a racial reckoning and natural disasters fueled by a changing climate, the nation is dangerously off course. We spoke to dozens of people in Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin, battleground states that helped propel Trump into the White House in 2016.’

The editorial board cited “anguish and dismay” among its readers:

‘Many declined to comment, citing a general disgust with the election or fear of speaking out publicly. While some said they were personally better off, most of those willing to talk on camera expressed anguish and dismay about the nation’s direction.’

It is time for a change.

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